Welcome back!
Thanks for spending a few moments of your Tuesday with me. Each week I will share excerpts from my current writing, quotes from others that have really resonated with me this week, plus what I’m reading, listening to, watching, creating and excited about this week.
Morning Page Musings
(Excerpts from my daily journaling)
On Small Groups: “…that has been life sustaining for me during what a friend called “our time in the friendship desert”.”
On Expectations: “I am trusting that since I put my prayer out into the universe, it will be answered. I just don’t want to presume or judge how it will be answered and by whom.”
On Time Freedom: “I appreciate this time in my life when I’m able to set my own schedule and honor my body more.”
On Companionship: “The people who came here with me, may not be the people who come with me on the next step of my journey.”
On Goals 1: “Goals and progress are often based on bigger and better and who’s to say that’s what will make us happy or bring us the greatest sense of fulfillment.”
On Goals 2: “I’m a woman speaking to women about how to set more satisfying feminine goals in a masculine heavy world.”
On Creative Blocks: “That’s what stops me. the thought that it’s already been done or it’s not going to be good enough, so why bother?”
Quotes from Others
“In the pursuit of higher consciousness, we render ourselves unconscious in a new way.” Julia Cameron, The Artist’s Way
“The truth is, running often attracts a personality type that gets high off extreme discipline. On the upside, this kind of discipline can help us stick with rigorous training, but it can also go hand in hand with the numerology of an eating disorder.” Kara Goucher, The Longest Race
What I’m Reading
The Longest Race – Inside the Secret World of Abuse, Doping, and Deception on Nike’s Elite Running Team, by Kara Goucher. As a formerly avid runner, I was intrigued by the lives and stories of other female runners and have followed Kara for the last decade. I knew she had a powerful story, so her book has been on my radar for the past year. I plowed through it in just a few days, and it was riveting. We have no idea what is truly going on behind the scenes in people’s lives, even those closest to us can be in the dark. Sometimes it’s easier in the moment to compartmentalize or push things down, but they almost always come bubbling up. Kara’s story is inspiring because, although she struggled for many years to come to terms, seek help and speak out, she kept going. She eventually found the courage and strength to speak out, even when it meant the possibility of losing everything she’d worked so hard for. But NOT speaking out was costing her (and others) even more. It’s a perfect, and heinous, example of how money and power can corrupt, and continue to corrupt until someone speaks out.
What I’m Listening To
QWERTY: A Podcast for Writers on How to Live the Writing Life. Episode 118 with Suzette Mullen. This is a newer podcast in my playlist, and I am loving hearing how writers are approaching the art of memoir. Suzette talks about her new book The Only Way Through is Out. She also shares the intriguing backstory of having her 100-word Tiny Love Story published by the New York Times.
What I’m Watching
I watched a new 6-series show on Britbox called Trigger Point. I’ll be honest, after the first episode, I didn’t think I would continue, but I came back to it and I’m glad I did. It seemed like it was going to be mostly stressfully trying to defuse explosive devices and not much else, but in the second episode, the storyline began to unfold, and I was hooked. The ending didn’t go quite where I was expecting, which is always nice. I’ve read and watched so many mysteries, that I pick up on things and often guess the whodunit.
What’s Cooking?
I’m not usually the breakfast chef at Chez Slay, but I was inspired this past Saturday, and got cooking. I found a lovely Dutch Baby recipe from Alexandra’s kitchen and decide to give it a whirl. I think Dutch Babies had a moment in the last couple of years, but I wasn’t intrigued until I saw this one: Fresh Lemon-Blueberry Dutch Baby. I’m all about any berry plus lemon, so this sounded amazing. Since I spent a good two weeks plowing through all the blueberries I picked, I was now blueberry-less. I did, however, have a container of fresh raspberries, so my Dutch Baby became Raspberry Lemonade instead. The directions were simple, and it turned out great with no tweaks. We served it with syrup and bacon on the side, but honestly needed very little syrup. And if you are wondering what the heck a Dutch Baby is, it’s basically an eggy pancake cooked in a cast iron skillet in the over vs. a griddle on the stovetop.
Until next week…I’ll be finding happiness in the pursuit.
Betsy is a certified life coach, running coach and blogger who helps midlife women find satisfaction where they are now and inspiration to go after their big goals.
To learn more about working with Betsy, click here.