I stood in the kitchen early one morning, pouring that much anticipated first cup of coffee. Sunlight filtered through the window and I noticed a layer of dust on our cute red coffee maker.
Wow! I was surprised I hadn’t noticed that before. I am not the BEST housekeeper in the world, but I certainly didn’t realize my kitchen needed this much attention. Of course, when the shade is shut or the light is off, it doesn’t show and could easily be overlooked or ignored.
It made me think about all the little areas in our lives that can get a little dusty. Or a LOT dusty! Areas we can overlook or ignore until they are brought to light. Small things like decluttering or balancing the checkbook or pulling weeds. Big things like our health (physical/mental/spiritual), relationships, finances.
Sometimes small things can turn into big things if we delay taking action until the issue comes to light. We don’t always notice things before they are illuminated for us, but many times we know. We are just waiting until the problem is too big to ignore to take action.
What if we took control of the light? What if we routinely took time to take a look around our physical and mental spaces to see which areas need a little polishing? Time to tidy things up before they get out of hand and require a big overhaul. Time to shine.