The point is the story. It’s a constant cycling, just like life itself. Without a present, there would be no history and without a future there would be no present. You can’t have your past and live it too. It just doesn’t work that way.
Self-Conscious. A Scramble of Sunday Breakfast Revelations
If being self-conscious is a concern with the way one is perceived by others, then a recent Sunday breakfast sets the perfect stage to showcase two disparate examples.
Past. Tense.
When you get lost in thought, where do your thoughts usually go? Do they wander to thinking about things that happened in your past? Do they look ahead to things that may happen in your future? Or do they seem to remain focused on the here and now? You may…
From Questions to Clarity
I noticed that times in my life when I am feeling stuck or overwhelmed, I am drowning in questions. When I rage about injustices from my past or worry about the future, I am pummeled by question after question after question. Almost exclusively the useless kind.
Unlocking the Power of Intuition
You can learn to tap into your feelings and begin to receive (and trust) knowledge and understanding that can give you immense satisfaction in your here and now and inspire you along your path to curate the most rewarding future you can imagine.
Uncertainty and the Power of the Pen
Let me begin by saying I have been complimented (on more than one occasion) by grocery clerks who notice my shopping lists. That I take great pleasure from these accolades may give you a peek into my personality…but I digress.
Minimalism of Spirit: Curating Life’s True Desires for Lasting Joy
Yesterday I was listening to a podcast about spiritual minimalism and the host’s journey started with material minimalism. He was curious about how little “stuff” he could live with. Over the course of 5 years, he curated his stuff down to one daypack of what he considered necessities. One daypack!
Unlock Your Potential in August!
Each time I pulled up my Google calendar this week, I noticed that August was just around the corner. I haven’t made monthly goals for a while, but somehow August feels different. I have a renewed desire to get specific in August and focus in on a few things that could really make a difference in my life.
Problem with My Pants
I put my pants on one leg at a time, but not like everyone else. When I do it, I make it mean there is a problem with my leg.
How a breathtaking sunset sparked an existential crisis.
If you would have asked me a few weeks ago to list my favorite things in the world, sunset would have been near the top of that list. Now, I’m not so sure.